Our Guides & Porters of Kilimanjaro:

Kili Wild Expedition will take you there…..(Mountain Tops)

Our Guides & Porters of Kilimanjaro:

The importance of having competent and professional qualified guides cannot be overstated when it comes to climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Kili Wild Expedition has the best local guides, all of whom are fluent in English and have received extensive training in first aid, mountain rescue, flora and fauna, and history. All of our guides are registered with Kilimanjaro National Park. It is outlawed to climb Kilimanjaro without a guide.

  – Our Kilimanjaro guides are very experienced with experience of trekking over 100 times.

   – Our guides are among the talented and respected professionals in the industry.

   – Our guides are trained to handle any situation encountered on the mountain.

   – Our guides are very strong, capable climbers with first hand information about the mountain.

   – Our guides have proven expertise on how to lead clients safely and effectively to the top of Kilimanjaro.

You can expect the following from our Kilimanjaro guides:

High Safety Standards

Client safety is our highest priority. Clients entrust their lives and trust our guides for their safety which is our foremost duty. Our guides are retrained annual in disaster preparedness, emergency and first aid; they have the capacity and capability to notice, prevent, recognize and treat altitude-related illnesses. Moreover, they can detect, identify and eschew potential hazards such as slippery trails and loose rocks. Each client’s health is monitored very closely whilst on the mountain.


It is commonly understood that visitors have many choices when it comes to climbing Kilimanjaro. Thus it is of the paramount consequence that client expectations are met or exceeded. It is among our prides in the way our staffs conduct their work efficiently and strive to maintain our reputation of excellence services. Our guides espouse a high level of professionalism whilst keeping trekking a congenial fun for our client’s lifetime experience.


Our guides have been working on Mount Kilimanjaro for long time. With their training compounded with experience, they are utterly acclimatized with high altitude who have adapted to the rigorous mountain life. Climbing Kilimanjaro has become a second nature to them and can tutor everything one needs to know about high altitude trekking.

Mountain Knowledge

Our guides are conversant with a broad-spectrum of mountaineering facts. They can edify about the climate zones, the altitudes, distances to campsites, and more information about Mt.Kilimanjaro geographical set up. These types of facts increase the amusement during trekking by giving clients ideal information on what they are encountering and experiencing.

A modestly small group of 15 to 20 people is all what our guides want for superlative result.

Our guides are efficiently capable of managing our clients owing to the modest size of trekking group at any given time. Because each mountaineer generally needs a few porters hence each additional client multiplies the number of people under the guide’s care. A guide can give more personalized attention when groups are reasonably small. We also lead in longer trips, owing to proper acclimatization increases the probability to successful reach the summit thus giving a sense of satisfaction to all participants.

Team dynamic is enhanced with a small group, which not only makes the mountaineering days entertaining but safer with excellent team work spirit. With a modest group the guides can lucratively monitor the progress of each individual trekker and the group collectively. They will have the opportunity to interact with each climber and assess their progress whence available for question and answer session we need arises. Our porters provide classic service by catering to all varied needs of each client.

We have been receiving great clients who always recommend our honest services to their pals back home. It is to our gratitude that most of our clients are preeminent because they arrive well informed, trained and soundly prepared. This means that most of them are more likely to be successful on the mountain; hence “happy client’s means happy guides” goes one of our mantras. We are proud of our clients, who end up adoring our guides and our guides reciprocate with love, the true fruits of mountaineering team spirit.

Our Mountain Crews

The mountaineering team consist of able, skilled and trustworthy lead guides, guides assistant, cooks and porters who are meritoriously assembled. It is within our professional ethics that directly managing and controlling of mountaineering personnel is the best way to ensure high standards are achieved to our client contentment. Through habitual interaction with mountaineering crew boast the team work spirit among our staffs, thus enhancing the performance and offering a consistent classic service trip by trip.

Our porters take care of you. So we take care of them.

Our assiduous porters make it easy for clients to ascend and descend without encountering any difficulties while trekking. Porters carry the tents, sleeping bags, mattresses, food, water, cookware, gas, stoves, medical supplies, chairs, and tables – not to mention clients camping gear. It is a tough duty which needs a lot of resilience and enthusiasm as experienced trekkers within Mount Kilimanjaro circuits will testify about their perseverance, proficiency and endurance which are incredible to match. Porter’s welfare is vital for all our mountaineering party hence they are ensured of the best rewards and motivation.

–  Our staffs are well remunerated and do not grossly depend on tips.

– Our staffs are transparently and timely remunerated upon completion of a mission.

– Our porters are well equipped with appropriate mountaineering gears and equipments.

– Our porters are adequately and nutritiously feed three meals of their liking per day.

–  An average load per porter is 20 kgs; porter- client ratios are based on the language needed for the risk.

Contact Deatails
Shanty Town Mashina Road