Price & Tips

Kili Wild Expedition will take you there…..(Mountain Tops)

The Truth…!
It is a reality in the public domain that many people look for a cheap Mt.Kilimanjaro climbing mission, but with due research one will ultimately concur that this claim is refuted and impossible. One will have to probably realize that there is a variation in price charged by different entities for trekking in Mt.Kilimanjaro. There are around 200 licensed operators working in Mt.Kilimanjaro, hence one can be overwhelming and confused when making a choice. The good news is that there are many operators, and the bad news is that there are very few reputable operators to choose for successful trekking. However, one should be very keen when selecting an operator, hence it is advisable to disregard any questionable company as there is only a couple dozen or so who offer quality trekking services. Thus making a good choice is fundamental to ones success and an overall memorable experience.

First and foremost, a client should not make decisions based on price per se; hence it should be factored as a final integral component in the overall decision making process. High altitude trekking missions are not easy tasks to just go around and shop for a cheap “deal”, consequently one should source for high quality service but not overpay needlessly, as the value should be reasonably equivalent to the task.

Low priced operators habitually offer poor quality service unmatched to Kili Wild Adventure. Here are the main reasons why it is very risky option to contract them;

  • The Porters:  These are entities that dehumanize the much depended mountaineering personnel by extremely exploiting the porters. Due to their lowly budgeted mission they tend not to abide themselves to the standard wage bill set by the Tanzania Park Authority. Thus by scooping low they compromise porter’s payment to cover the ill equipped mission. KiliWild Expedition offers quality mission whilst caring for our staff welfare by motivating and humbly rewarding them.
  • The Guides: This is the most important person for any accomplishment of a safe and successful trekking task due to their apt knowledge and skills of the Mt.Kilimanjaro terrains. However, low cost operators often hire freelance guides with inept experience, poor command of English language without any emergency medical training who roams around shopping for a mission. It is propitious that guides competence is not taken for granted and compromised for the sake of accumulating profits.  Hence, most of ethical guides shy away from these quack operators. 
  • Equipment:  Assembling mountaineering gears and equipment is paramount to any triumphious trekking task, while the cheap operator amasses barely functional equipments.  The most commonly case is the camping tents condition which are suppose to be in good state, durable and waterproof to cater for all seasons but for them it will be the very opposite and unsatisfactory to trekkers. They use sleeping bags and pads that are worn out and incapable of providing adequate warmth in high altitude areas. They usually hire outdated vehicles that easily break down or get stuck. KiliTwende Adventure provides standard modern and novel trekking gears and equipments to client’s memorable satisfaction equivalent to the cost.
  • Service: These are kind of operators are very notorious for being unpredictable. Although a friend may had a wonderful experience with them, then deduce it as a norm and contract their service which can turn out to be a haunting nightmare forever. Why does this happen? These companies do not have ethical operating procedures in place, so how they handle mission is in total shoddy and shamble manner. Their attitude and culture of this operator is, “We’ll figure it out as we go”, which is a perilous mantra unsafe and life is at stake in any mountain expedition.
  • Trekking: Because they use untrained and inept guides and porters who are inadequately paid, who are not conversant with the mountain terrains and unknowledgeable of environmental conservation practice the worst is evenly expected while on a trekking expedition.

We offer standard mountaineering at a reasonable and economical cost. Our price mark caters for park fees, staff remuneration, food supply and provision of appropriate equipment, which will offer superb service to our client’s satisfaction. We are adventurers at heart, hence we strive to make trekking Mt.Kilimanjaro affordable and desirable for all.


Tip For Guides and Porters:
It is a tradition to give tips upon completion of a mission which is mostly done upon reaching the final checkpoint and signing out with the authorities. The decisions on how much to tip wholly depend on the client’s decision.  
Note: Waiter will also perform the duties of a porter while on trek.

How many Guides and Porters are needed while trekking?:
It  is generally principle for one assistant guide to serve three clients, one cook for every 10 trekkers.  The number of porters in an expedition depends on the preferred route and number of days taken. Generally, there are two porters per person on the Marangu route, and three porters per person on all other routes.

It is against the company protocol for guides or porters to negotiate tips while on mission, unless there are extenuating situation.


    1 Climber  =  1 Guide  / 1 Cook /  2 – 3 Porters ,
    2 Climbers = 1 Leading guide / 1 Assistant guide / 1 Cook / 4 – 6 porters,
    3 Climbers =  1 Leading guide / 1 Assistant guide / 1 Cook  /  6 – 9 porters,
    4 Climbers =  1 Leading guide / 1 Assistant guide / 1 Cook  / 8 – 12 porters,
    5 Climbers  = 1 Leading guide /  2 Assistant guides / 1 Cook / 10 – 12 porters,
    6 Climbers =  1 Leading guide / 2 Assistant guides / 1 Cook / 12  – 18 porters,
    7 Climbers = 1 Leading guide / 3 Assistant guides / 1 Cook /  14 – 21 porters,
    8 Climbers = 1 Leading guide / 3 Assistant guides / 1 Cook / 16 – 24 porters,
    9 Climbers = 1 Leading guide / 3 Assistant guides / 1 Cook / 18 – 27 porters,
    10 Climbers = 1 Leading guide / 3 Assistant guides / 1 Cook / 20 – 30 porters. 

Donation of Clothing & Equipment:
Please note that, it is optional for clients to donate anything of their liking e.g. mountaineering  clothing and equipment to  tipping the trekking support team as a show of gratitude and souvenirs.


Contact Deatails
Shanty Town Mashina Road