


CAPITAL:  Dodoma (Admistrative City) and Dar Es Salam (Commercial City)

AREA:  945,000 sq Km

POPULATION:  66.46 million

OFFICIAL LANGUAGES:   Swahili and English

NATIONAL CURRENCIES:   Tanzanian Shilling (Tshs. Or TZS), divided into 100 cents.


BORDERIES:  Borders Kenya to the East, Uganda to the North, Rwanda, Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo to the West, and Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique to the south. Indian Ocean lies in the eastern side.

For further information please go to www.tanzaniatouristboard.go.tz


Tanganyika became a Sovereign State on 9th December 1961 and a Republic in 1962.Zanzibar became independent on 19th December 1963 as a Constitutional monarch under the Sultan and People’s Republic of Zanzibar was established after the Revolution of 12th January 1964. The name Tanzania is a portmanteau of Tanganyika and Zanzibar after the two Sovereign States united and formed the United Republic of Tanzania on the 26th April 1964. Tanzania is a democratic state with 158 ethnics peaceful cohabitating in the 30 administrative regions and vast area richly endowed with natural resources and beguiling panorama.


The scramble of Africa by the European powers at the end of the 19th century led to occupation of the mainland Tanganyika by Germanys, although Zanzibar which was under the Sultanate of Oman later become a British Protectorate. In the 8th century saw the growth of city states along the coast after settlement by Oman Arabs. It was seven centuries later in 1449 that the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama visited the island of Zanzibar. Another 100 years later in the 16th century the Portuguese occupied Zanzibar. In 1699 the Portuguese were ousted from the island by the Arabs of Oman hence by 18th century the Sultan of Oman reasserted Arab overlord ship of the east African coast.

By 1840 when the Sultan Seyyid bin Sultan moved his capital from Oman to Zanzibar, trade in slaves and ivory flourished. In 1861, the Sultanate of Zanzibar and Oman separated on the death of Seyyid. It was during the 19th century Europeans exploration which was followed by the Christians society when the Germany Colonization Society began to acquire territory in 1884 in defiance of Zanzibar. In 1890 Britain obtained protectorate status over Zanzibar, abolishing slave trade and recognizing German claims to the mainland. German East Africa was formally established as a colony in 1897. After the First World War in 1916 the German East Africa was conquered by the British and in 1919, the League of Nations gave Britain mandate to administer part of German East Africa known as Tanganyika.

Tanzania is considered as the cradle of mankind history because of the archeological findings in the Olduvai Gorge by Dr. Louis Leakey who discovered the fossilized remains of Homo habilis, calculated to be 1.75 million years old the forerunner of modern man.  Tanzania has been occupied by various African tribes and most recently the Maasai from Kenya, who have retained their proud traditions.


Location:Tanzania is located on Eastern Africa between longitude 29 degrees and 41 degrees. Latitude 1 degrees and 12 degrees.

Area: Total 945,000 sq km

Mainland: 881,000 sq km,

Zanzibar: 2,000 sq km,

Water: 62,000 sq km,

Forest and Woodland: 3.350 sq km

Tanzania is the world 31st largest country. Compared to other African countries, it is slightly smaller than Egypt and comparable size to Nigeria. However, Tanzania is the biggest, of the East African countries (i.e. Kenya, Rwanda, and Burundi).Tanzania has a spectacular landscape of mainly three physiographic regions namely the Islands and the coastal plains to the east; the inland saucer-shaped plateau and the highlands.

The Great Rift Valley which runs north east of Africa through central Tanzania is another landmark that spice to the scenic view of the country. The valley is dotted with unique lakes, which includes Lakes Rukwa, Tanganyika, Nyasa, Kitangiri, Eyasi, and Manyara. The uplands include the famous Kipengere, Udzungwa, Matongoro, Livingstone, and the Fipa plateau forming the southern highlands. The Usambara, Pare, Meru, Kilimanjaro, the Ngorongoro Crater and the Oldonyo Lengai, all form the northern highlands. From these highlands and the central saucer plateau flow the natural drainage systems to the Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and the inland drainage system.

Tanzania is mountainous in the northeast, where Mt.Kilimanjaro Africa’s highest peak is located. To the north and west are the Great Lakes of respective, Lake Victoria (Africa’s largest lake) and Lake Tanganyika (the continent’s deepest lake, known for its unique species of fish); to the southwest lies Lake Nyasa. While the interior is largely mountainous, the 800 Km coastline is lush and palm-fringed as are the Islands of Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia which features a number of natural marine sites and parks.


Tanzania has a tropical climate. In the highlands, temperature range between 10 – 20 degrees Celsius (50-68 degrees Fahrenheit) during cold and hot season respectively. The rest of the country has temperature seldom falling lower than 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit).The hottest period extends between November and February (25 – 31 degrees Celsius or 77-88 degrees Fahrenheit) while the coldest period occurs between May and august (15-20 degrees Celsius, or 59-68 degrees Fahrenheit).

Tanzania has two major rainfall regions. One is unimodal (December – April) and the other is bimodal (October-December and March – May). The former is experienced in the southern, south-west, central and western parts of the country, and the latter is found to the north and northern coast. In the bimodal regime the March – May rains are referred to as the long rains or in Swahili “Masika”, whereas the October – December rains are general known as short rains or “Vuli” 


The best time for travelling to the wildlife regions is during the dry winter months of July and September. December and January are excellent to witness the fantastic wildebeest migration around Ndutu Ngorongoro area and Serengeti south and eastern. This annual animal migration in East Africa refers to the movement of wild animals between Serengeti (Tanzania) and Maasai Mara (Kenya). In late May – early June wildebeests and zebras begin their annual migration from western Serengeti through the northern of Serengeti to the Mara crossing the Mara River. They reach Maasai Mara Park early August depending on rain season. After the short rains in the month of November, the herds move back into Serengeti National Park and make their way to the southern pastures where they respite and feed. Wildebeest give birth in late January – mid March, with thousands of births. This happens habitually in southern of Serengeti and Ndutu Ngorongoro area.


The foremost requirement is a valid passport. Most visitors to Tanzania must require a visa to enter the country. Three month single-entry tourist visas are available at Tanzanian embassies in your country, price subjected to country of origin.

Embassies of the United Republic of Tanzania around the world:

Belgium : 363 Ave Louise, 1050 Brussels Tel 02 640 6500 Fax 02 646 8026

Canada : 50 Range Road, Ottawa, Ontario KIN 8J4 Tel 0613 232 1500 Fax 0613 232 5184

China : No. 8, Liang Ma He Nan Lu, San Li Tun Beijing

France : 13 Ave Raymond Poincare 75116 Paris Tel 01 53 70 63 70 Fax 01 53 70 63 66

Germany : Teaterplatz 26, 53177 Bonn, Tel 0228 358051 Fax 0228 358226 Eschenallee 11 14050 Berlin    (Charlottenburg, Westend)

Italy : Villa Tanzania, Viale Cortina D’ampezzo 185 00135 ROME Tel 06 321 0923

Japan : 21-9, Kamiyoga4, Chome, Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo Tel 03 425 4531 Fax 03 425 7844

South Africa : PO Box 56572 Arcadia 0007, Pretoria Tel 012 342 4371 Fax 012 430 4383

Sweden: Näsby Allé 6 183 55 Täby

Switzerland : 47 Ave Blanc, CH-1201, Geneva Tel 022 731 8920 Fax 022 732 8255

United Kingdom : 3 Stratford Place, London W1C 1AS Tel 0207 569 1470 Fax 0207 491 3710

U.S.A: Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania 2139 R Street, NW, Washington DC, 20008.

U.S.A: Permanent Representative of Tanzania to the United Nations 201 East 42ND­ Street, Suite 1700 New York, NY, 10017


Departure tax from mainland Tanzania is included in the price of your ticket; however in Zanzibar there is a departure tax payable at the airport (around US$ 30). There is a tax levied on passengers within Tanzania (around TSH 5,000 / approx US $5).


Banks and bureau de change are accessible in all our airports and major towns. Banking hours are from Monday – Friday 8.30am – 3.00pm, Saturday 8.30am – 1.30pm. Some banking institution extended their working hours to 4.00pm in the major towns. Please note that banks remain closed on Sunday.


Tanzania is a geographical tropical climate zone with different flora and fauna. It is advisable for one to adhere to health advice and precautions while visiting for uninterrupted comfort. Malaria is usually top on the list of visitors’ worries, and its only prevention is protection from mosquito bites. It is recommended that you visit a medical doctor for anti-malarial drugs prescription. The yellow-fever vaccination is no longer a requirement when visiting Tanzania, (however it is still a requirement when visiting Zanzibar). For other vaccinations one is advisable to consult your medical doctor prior to travelling.


Tanzania is peaceful and safe country to pay a visit. Its citizens are affectionate, munificent and very social people to intermingle with while on your stay in Tanzania. Tanzanian security is blended with political stability and strong multi party democratic principles for it citizens and visitor to humbly enjoy serenity. Common logic should practiced by visitor as a precaution while on stay, do not take things for granted e.g. all valuables should be under custody in the hotel safes, a voiding unnecessary night loitering or unguided tour.

Contact Deatails
Shanty Town Mashina Road